Brief History of the Acoustical Society of India
The Acoustical Society of India was established and registered at Visakhapatnam on 31 July, 1971 with Prof. S. Bhagavantam as the Convenor, Prof. B. Ramachandra Rao as the Secretary and 10 other leading acousticians of the country as ad-hoc Committee members. The decision to bring together the scientists working in various fields of acoustics all over the country under one umbrella and to publish a scientific journal devoted to Acoustics was taken in a symposium on ‘Acoustics in Education ‘ organised at the Andhra University, Waltair during January ,1971 under the stewardship Prof. B.R. Rao .Thus the Acoustical Society was formed with the following objectives:
“The advancement of science and technology of all branches of acoustics and the maintenance of high standards in such science and technology ; to increase and diffuse the knowledge of acoustics and promote its practical application.”
The above objectives are to be achieved by publishing a professional journal, periodic news letters, status reports and by organizing conferences, symposia and seminars in various branches of acoustics .Yet other objectives of the society include co-operation with similar allied societies both in India and abroad and representing acoustical interests at the National and International levels . It is an active member of the International Commission on Acoustics ( ICA ) which is associated with International Union of Pure and Applied Physics ( IUPAP ).
A full text of the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations of the Society as initially formulated was published in the first issue of the Journal of Acoustical Society of India ( JASI ) Vol.1 , No.1 , January ,1973. A revised version of the above information was published as a booklet in September , 1982.
Thus the society was formulated to have Prof. S. Bhagwantam as its founder President, Dr. M. Pancholy as Vice-President and Chief Editor of JASI and Prof. B.R. Rao as Secretary and Treasurer. Other eminent acousticians associated with the growth of the society to its present status were Prof. B.S.Ramakrishna, Prof.S.K.Kor, Prof. Rais Ahmed, Dr.D.Srinivasan, Prof.T.Seshagiri Rao, Prof.E.S.R.Gopal, Prof. S.Kameswaran, Sh.K.D.Pavate, Dr.S.S.Agrawal, Late Shri.M.S.Narayanan, Prof.M.L.Munjal, Dr.V.K.Aatre, Dr. S. P. Singal, Prof.B.V.A. Rao, Prof.S.Narayanan, Prof.G.M.Srinivasan, Prof.B.V.A.Rao and a number of acousticians in the country.
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